On the twentieth day of the fourth month, WRNR brings you our next Private Artist Showcase … with Nashville-by-way-of-the-U.K. musician Lucie Silvas
And, it is mere coincidence, that she happens to have a song on her new album called “Smoking Your Weed”.
Because it would be cheap and sadly opportunistic of us to present a special Saturday afternoon, all-ages, matinee showcase on FOUR TWENTY with Lucie Silvas simply because she has a song called “Smoking Your Weed”.
(She’s got PLENTY of other great songs, you know…. Not just “Smoking Your Weed”)
We invite you to join(t) us, on FOUR TWENTY, for a lovely afternoon of music and munchies with Lucie Silvas.
Tickets are free as always, thanks to our sponsors AP Mathews Heating and Air Conditioning and Old Fox Books & Coffeehouse ... but you'll have to head over to ramsheadonstage.com to claim your free pair of tickets, by using the promo code “WRNR”.
PLEASE NOTE – due to the high demand for the limited number of tickets available for this event – WRNR, Rams Head On Stage, and Lucie Silvas kindly request that you ensure you will be able to attend the Private Artist Showcase at 12:00pm on April 20th before reserving your tickets. Thank you

The 2019 Private Artist Showcase Series is sponsored by AP Mathews Heating & Air Conditioning and Old Fox Books